Celebrating 30 years of Alternative Healing Arts
"Release what blocks you from your greatest fulfillment"
Kind Words From Kindred Souls...
"Dear Joy,
I cannot begin to thank you for all that you gave me throughout the Energy Diagnostic Class this Fall. It became very evident early how much you love what you teach and how blessed we were to be on the receiving end of your love for humanity. I believe your term,"Yummy in the Tummy' will provide me good remembrances in years to come! Your attitude of acceptance of each of our gifts is very powerful and, as we continue to offer them up to the world, we are sustained in hope. I see everyone as a Child of God and to have this belief reenforced throughout your class sent me home renewed and revitalized - to carry on another day.
Because of your beautiful voice, I entered a dimension of colors of violet and light blue and gold - the colors of God and his royal priesthood. I hope you are given the opportunity to return to Ireland where previously you were accepted in love for your gift of song.
May you be blessed with all good things this coming year and may the Divine continue to lift you up with his power as you bring sustenance to the world, which needs love and hope everyday.
You are a light of joy!
Peace, Sharon
"I must say Joy, and I really want you to know this: I LEARN from you. You're a great teacher, and while I discover things from my own process- especially how to apply it outside of myself, I learn from the things you tell me by way of explanation. I'm fascinated by your input as well as learn from it, and I'm just grateful to have this opportunity which I'm realizing more and more is unique and specific."
- Laura-Michelle Iacovone, Dean of Students, Center for Natural Wellness

Barbara Brennan School of Healing
in Albany, NY

Please contact Joy Adler
for more info & registration:
Interested to continue your study of in the healing sciences?
Feeling the call to embark on your own healing journey?
We hope you’ll join us!
Classes begin this Autumn in Albany NY!

Training Curriculum for Therapeutic Practitioners & Therapists
In addition to working one on one with clients, Joy continues to teach in several capacities. As the Wellness and Emotional Growth Instructor at the Center for Natural Wellness in Albany, NY, she trains massage therapy students in learning more about themselves based on the credo that, "You can only take a client to the places that you yourself have traveled." Joy has created a curriculum for professional therapists that includes:
Conscious Communication for self, and working with clients. This provides deep communion, so clients can genuinely feel a therapists care, listening and "attending" skills, and warm presence. This results in them feeling heard, so they can relax and receive. Thus creating a new found ambiance of trust and openness for their healing process. This also assists a therapist in having good conflict/resolution skills for life!
Ethics/ Boundaries for the Therapeutic Professional
Manifesting Intention-The Matrix of Professional Practice
Exploring Emotions, and Body Armoring
Revisiting Boundaries
Emotional Release How to successfully navigate a client through an Emotional Release, which is the greatest relief of chronic pain and negative patterns of behavior
Client's Defenses based on study of Characterizing (The 5 Childhood Wounds)
Using the Medicine Wheel for Life Balance for the Therapeutic Professional
Professional Support Systems: Who holds those that hold so many others? What will a professional therapist need for their own support?
Graduate Support Circle Group Facilitator
Wellness Team Mentor and Teacher Trainer
Joy also works in private practice as a Process Facilitator/Supervisor/Mentor for those in the helping professions to deepen their effectiveness with clients, and market their businesses.

This teleclass series is packaged as a digital download complete with workbook, meditations and teachings in their entirety. This was a powerful & transformative series for those in attendance, and you can take part from the comfort of your home.
Last January Joy & Dan hosted a teleclass in the hopes of expanding the reach of Joy's Energy Diagnotics© program. The class was a smashing success as the Healing Web was woven as attendees joined us from across the globe!
Join in and learn what this winter's full 7 week program has to offer for you as you continue on your own personal journey.
What better way to open to new levels of healing than from the comfort of your own home?
Cost: $200.00 for the entire seven class series
(you will be emailed links for digital downloads of all materials)

What to expect?
**Guided meditation & attunement for grounding
*Ancestral healing and clearing energy from where you are blocked to your Master Destiny.
**Overview of the Energy Diagnostics© curriculum
**Learn how Energy Diagnostics© not only positively impacts you,
but how its effects can ripple out into
your relationships & experiences in life.
**Stories, special guests, Q&A and lots of laughs
"I've learned at greater depth where my blocks are and how I can heal myself for a healthier version of me -and have healthier relationships with others. All of the instructors were delightful, sincere, caring, powerful and present. The assignments provoked self exploration and were full of helpful feedback and guidance. It was a very safe space and had a strong sense of community."
-Energy D. grad Fall 2015
What is Energy Diagnostics©?
Listen in to experience the high-vibe transmission first hand from a previous teleclass.
January 19, 2015 Recording
stream or download audio via dropbox)

The Goddesses Gathered!
From our Class
led by Joy and Laura-Michelle Iacovone.
"Tree of Life, Return of the Goddess, Restoring the Balance on Earth"

(you will be emailed links for digital downloads)

“This woman, this Gran Diosa. Joy Adler has been my healer, teacher, mentor, big sister, power-mama, loyal advocate, model of generosity, supporter and my family for almost 20 years. She's the engine behind my healing path and work in the world, rooted in the Earth, the Arts, Celtic Ireland and our home turf, the Barbara Brennan School of Healing. How I loved listening to this podcast, where she shares her brave and powerful essence, and names the path of a healer so beautifully.”
-CC Treadway, healer, educator, Celtic Goddess and SoundHealer
A few weeks ago I got a text from a woman who said that her friends were “extraordinarily” stressed out and did I have any wisdom that could help? Here’s a simple practice that anyone can do:
Recently, when I was feeling unusually stressed I went to my room, closed the door and laid down on the bed. I listened to Joy Adler‘s song, There’s Light. It’s 4 minutes and 29 seconds long. Everyone has time for that. ⭐️ I got up relaxed, refreshed and ready to welcome the rest of my day.
To listen to our inspirational conversation on the Talking Joy Podcast and Joy’s music please click HERE.
-Pam Rotelle Robertson Professional Coach, Podcast Host
"I have been still integrating this most amazing weekend ever! Joy.. Angel.. you are and were such a gift! You held, and I still feel, are holding this beautiful matrix of woven cords of light around our beautiful group of soul family that came together for a weekend that I feel changed me forever. I feel a portal opening and I still feel tethered and connected to source the way I did that weekend. I have been listening to your CD (meditation). I feel the Angels and guides envelope me as I am listening. So much more has happened for me. God love you, Love and light to all of you , my special soul family!"
-Sheryl Infantino

"Hello Joy, This was the most amazing workshop I have ever attended. The knowledge and level of caring was amazing. You are a wonderful model for us all.I was awake most of the night looking back on my life with much greater understanding, it was fascinating to now have a new context and lens to view my experiences. Thank you.
You blessed us in so many ways this weekend. I was honored and inspired by your love and dedication for this group. You were always positive and supportive in helping us risk, stretch and grow. You never had a single criticism, it was always focused on what we were doing well and that was critical to creating safety for us. I suspect that it can be very vulnerable to be in the presence of someone who can read energy and know the truth of our feelings. I never felt vulnerable, always supported and loved. You are amazing and beautiful. Each time I was reminded of your gifts and your love for us, I would consciously send you love and gratitude. I wanted to support what you were doing for us all."
-Marijo Puleo
"Energy Diagnostics was Awesome! So much more than I was expecting! I am especially overwhelmed by how much time you all spend preparing for classes, and making sure that each and every person in the class gets what they need. Every evening was like going on a trip, a journey that would then continue through the week(s) that followed. You were great at reading the mood of the class and going with the flow.
I signed up for the class not really knowing what to expect, just thinking that I might enjoy doing energy work again. I was actually thinking of letting my massage liscense become inactive if I didn't find a continuing education class that really interested me. This was the only class that I came across that gave me a little "turn on buzz", even though I didn't know why at the time. Now I do! I have gotten so much out of this, and am committing to continue the journey. I'm sure that I won't be hanging out my shingle to do this work any time soon, but I will use what I have learned in my "bag of tricks", and continue to work on growing myself. Thank you all so much!! "
-Valerie Goodman
An Article by recent Brennan Workshop Participant, Gulbin Kinacigil
“There is no doubt that Dr. Barbara Ann Brennan is one of the pioneers of Spiritual Healing. Barbara Brennan, who is accepted as one of the world’s most talented healers and teachers created a revolution in human energy field and spiritual healing with her first two books, ‘Hands of Light ‘ and ‘Light Emerging ‘ have been always guiding books for he people dealing with healing in Turkey as well as throughout the world.
I have always been very close to themes of health and illness for more than twenty years as a dentist . And my intuitions and inner voice guided me, in the end, to the point that our main healing power is, within ourselves. The healing education and knowledge I got, and the practical works I did, made me understand and feel that power inside me. The books of Barbara Brennan and the other many precious books on spiritual healing, have been always the books that I have been benefiting from during this process.
So, after being in orrespondencewith the authorities of BBSH, I was guided to participate in their weekend workshop, which was held in NYC, USA, on the 25-26th of October 2008. Our teacher, Joy Adler, is a graduate and former faculty member of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.
Joy is a very cheerful and lively person. Her assistant, Maureen Devine, has a great heart full of love and compassion like Joy herself. Joy and Maureen worked together in a great collaboration and solidarity especially when Joy was channeling for healing in trance. Joy is a person who is reflecting her high healing knowledge and talent in every minute of her life, as if she is living healing in all means of her life. She is very humble at the same time.
Joy was playing music during healing since she was thinking that music effects the human energy field positively. Joy was sometimes singing and dancing for grounding, and opening her chakras before healing. Then she was channeling a high level of energy during meditation. Joy and Maureen were in a wonderful collaboration during these procedures. We observed that a great energy was flowing through Joy’s hands and filling the whole body and energy field during demonstration healings. I felt that Joy, is one of the living representatives of spiritual healing. She showed and made us experience and feel, how a healing is performed. “