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Joy Adler, BSHP

Dean of Advanced Studies,

The Barbara Brennan School of Healing Fl.

Dean of NY-Year 1, BBSH
and US Hands of Light Workshop Leader 

for The Barbara Brennan School of Healing

2020 Albert Nelson Marquis

Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient

Who's Who in America

This prestigious award is presented to those for their hard work and dedication to their profession.

Joy Adler has been a leader in Holistic Health, Healing & Wellness, nearly 3 decades. She opened her private practice, “Alternative Healing Arts” in 1993, with a mission to treat the body, mind and soul as one. Joy uses her knowledge and training of psychology, energy and the arts to assist others in working through their physical, emotional or artistic blocks to express their greatest longings in their lives and careers by releasing trauma or fear, and to attain optimal health. She is also an award-winning singer/songwriter and sound healer and integrates her experience with holistic health into “Music for healing.”

She has supported, mentored and trained thousands of people with her writings, radio and cable television programming, education through lectures and seminars, as well as spiritual music for a new era of consciousness. Joy tours internationally, presenting her Inspirational Musical and Meditative Healing Events with her group, “The Souls of Evolution,” in support of her many curriculum and writings. She enjoys helping others learn skills for their soul’s evolvement, healing, transformation, and fulfillment.

She is a Brennan Healing Science Practitioner, Holistic & Pastoral Counselor, Certified Hypnotherapist, Yoga Teacher,  Ayurvedic Nutritional Counselor and Soundhealer.  She obtained a degree in Mass Media Communications from The Sage Colleges, and is a graduate and former faculty member of 4-Year University, The Barbara Brennan School of Healing.  Brennan Healers are trained in Self-transformation, through their own therapy, hands-on-healing techniques, body-centered psychotherapy, high sense perception, meditation, creative arts, channeling, ethics and professional practice development.

Additionally, she completed their 2-year teacher training program, while attending an Early Childhood Psychology program through the Center for Intentional Living. Joy taught at The Barbara Brennan School of Healing on the Year 2 team, in addition to being the Co-Director of their Creative Arts Department for many years.  She returned to teaching at BBSH in 2016, as Dean and Department Head of their Advanced Studies Department, as well as a member of their Creative Arts Team. Joy opened their NYC Branch in 2019 as Dean, and the school moved to Albany, NY for the 2021-22 school year.

Joy received her Certification as a Counselor and Hypnotherapist in 1994. She also studied shamanism for 4 years, with a Lakota Elder in New Mexico, Jane Wynote, Night Eagle-of the Mic Mac Nation in PA; and Grandmother Twylah of the Seneca Nation, in NY.  She enjoyed learning from Patricia White Buffalo of the Apache nation, as well as assisting her in her soul retrieval workshops, and co-creating as a member of The Heaven on Earth Ensemble musical healing events.  Joy holds certification in many other healing modalities including Ama Deus, Family Constellations, and somatic/trauma release.

Regarding her gift of healing with sound, Patricia White Buffalo has said:

“Joy is gifted with the ability to channel blazing light and power through her voice that touches the root of your soul and calls it forth”.

Additionally, Joy trained in Swedish massage in 1994-95 and loves the integration of bodywork and energy.  She has private practices in Albany and works in long distance consulting sessions with clients from all over the world.  She combines her training in communications and healing science, as an educator and ongoing guest host on radio and is a former television host of Holistic Health programs in Southern NJ. 

Joy trained and had a private practice at The Core Center in NYC for 8 years, and has been enrolled in The NY Open Center in NYC for advanced training in utilizing sound, music and counseling techniques for working with trauma survivors, and in 2012 completed her studies of Ayurveda in NYC, with Dr. Naina Marballi, and is a Certified Ayurvedic Nutritional Counselor. In the Spring of 2014, Joy received her certification as a Yoga Teacher of the Natural Yoga Method. She received her Doctorate of Ministry and in Pastoral Counseling in 2008 from the former Moriah Institute.


Since 2004, Joy has been teaching Wellness and Emotional Growth at the Center for Natural Wellness School of Massage Therapy in Albany, NY, in a program she herself designed.  She has trained and is now mentor of the expanded Wellness and Emotional Growth team as well as being their student, faculty and administrative advisor.  Joy has led the Professional Supervision Support Circle for Graduates, Therapists and Healers since 2004. She continues to be a workshop leader/trainer for The Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and leads her own workshop series, master classes, programs in advanced energy healing, process work and teacher training entitled, "Energy Diagnostics, Ancient Skills for our Modern World." 

She developed and wrote the manual for this program, based on her many years of experience in the field of holistic health.. Additionally she has taught “Advanced Apprenticeship, Master Healing Class, Psychology of the Body, " to train therapists in the study of  characterology for their clients, including  one-on-one process skills, group facilitation and teacher training.  

She continues to write, teach, record, tour, and create Musical Healing Events with her group The Souls of Evolution featuring local legends, Elizabeth Woodbury Kasius, Brian Melick, and Julia Alsarraf. Joy co-leads Spiritual Musical Tours to Ireland, & England with colleagues. She has been honored to be asked to sing for the Hindu Saint, Her Holiness Sai Maa several times. In 2012 was invited to sing in the Temples of Humankind at Damanhur in Italy.  She released her fifth CD- a live album on the Spring Equinox, 2015 that was recorded at The Center for Natural Wellness over a 3 month span-called "Community Heartshare at CNW with Joy & The Souls of Evolution and Special Guests". This album features poets, spiritual leaders, as well as other respected professionals, and was created to offer respite and care for those in the helping professions with meditations, music for healing, and powerful spiritual journeys.

In 2016 Joy Adler created another music for healing series called "Global Community Heartshare". This was recorded live, and took place in events in her home area of Albany, NY as well as Ireland. She invited spiritual leaders from all over the world, to create their own events simultaneously in their communities with an collected effort and intention to heal the Earth, our Waters, to honor the sun, (Fire), and to clear our Air. 

Joy Adler is a member of:

Saratoga Integrated Practitioners Network
The American Association of Pastoral Counselors
Associated Massage and Bodywork Professionals

The Global Society of Empowered Women

International Singer-Songwriter Association

SoundHealers Association

Website information for Joy Adler, B.H.S.P.


2020 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient:

Who's Who in America Inductee representing outstanding professional dedication and career longevity

PEACE DRIVEN SONG AWARD: “Your Love is Everything”





FIRST PLACE, PUBLIC SPEAKER, New York State Champion 1980-81 also 1981-82

At State University of New York at Albany, First Place in both regional and statewide championship for Distributive Education Clubs of America, Future Business Leaders of America



Distributive Education Clubs of America



Future Business Leaders of America



April 24, 2017


It is an honor to write a letter regarding Joy Adler. I have known Joy for 13 years in a professional capacity. As Dean of Students at The Center for Natural Wellness School of Massage Therapy (CNWSMT), I work as part of the student support services team, of which Joy is a member. In addition, I have assisted Joy in both a Wellness and Emotional Growth course for our students (Joy developed our Wellness Course and began teaching it in 2004), and various advanced training classes for continuing education post graduation. I feel very confident in attesting to Joy’s masterful ability to process, support, and guide people through their evolutionary processes. I have witnessed Joy’s supervision work many, many times- both with individuals in a group setting and as individuals in a one on one setting.

I have often described Joy as a “master dot connector”. I have witnessed students in both undergrad and continuing education courses bravely bring forth a concept, feeling, trigger, or issue they’re struggling with, pertaining to that day’s lecture. At times I have found myself virtually on the edge of my seat wondering, “How will Joy handle this? I wouldn’t know where to begin.” Then, in a confident, astute, compassionate, respectful, smooth way, Joy guides a triggered person through an absolutely beautiful, thorough, step by step metamorphosis. Eyes grow wide as a big picture forms and a person sees for him or herself the tremendous healing potential that lies before them. Revelations, innate understandings, a ‘coming home’ to self, and a realization of the personal power he or she has ‘given away’ and needs to reclaim, are only some of the ways I would describe what happens in this supervisory process. It’s wondrous, and a privilege to behold.


In addition to assisting Joy in classroom settings in which I’ve observed Joy’s supervision skills, Joy has been our Student Advisor since 2006. Joy provides students with two free consultations and I have heard REPEATEDLY from students who benefit from sessions with her. Many students continue working with Joy beyond their education at CNWSMT stating that a session work with Joy assists them in ways that traditional ‘talk therapy’ has not. Joy and I often work together with student advisory services. It is common for a student to begin with me, I take them to a certain level, and then advise that they make an appointment with Joy.


Joy has also been available as our grad support group facilitator as well as a staff advisor for 16 yrs. A massage therapy education can be very emotionally triggering for students and as staff and faculty, it can be very trying and difficult to navigate various issues happening within the student body. These issues can be with individuals or with a class group dynamic. Often, both circumstances happen at the same time. Joy has helped multiple staff and faculty members learn how to best deal with tricky and triggering student issues. She has given several lectures at various teacher trainings at our school, and was asked to create a curriculum for an entire teacher training specifically designed to teach and train staff and faculty to be able to provide a version of ‘supervision’ work with various personality types, situations, and difficult issues that can present during our students’ tenure at CNWSMT.


Whenever possible, Joy uses supervision as a teaching tool. This is a ‘win-win’ situation, both for the person receiving the supervision and also for the teaching assistants to observe.


I believe that this is the work Joy is meant to do. I have learned so much from her mentoring, from observing her in action, and from my own one on one moments with her during the time I have worked with our students. My understanding of the deeper layers of human nature and wounds and how they “form” the “bigger picture” has enhanced 100 fold over the years. Working with Joy has been personally enlightening as well as helped me to be able to provide the best support for our students as possible. Joy’s extensive experience, expertise, and loving heart, enhances the lives of everyone with whom she works.




Laura-Michelle Iacovone, B.S., L.M.T.

Dean of Students, CNWSMT


“Hello Joy,

​I am one of the Executives and Talent Managers at our Record Label Midnight Records.

​We are pleased to invite you to receive an Midnight Gold Record Award in recognition of your exceptional contributions to the world of music. As one of the most creative musicians / healers in the industry, we believe that you deserve to be recognized for your immense talent and unwavering dedication to your craft.

​In addition to receiving a beautiful Gold Record Award, you were also chosen to be featured in our Midnight Spotlight. We would like to add your name to our Honorary Directory, where you will be recognized alongside other prominent musicians who have received this prestigious honor. Your inclusion in this directory will raise awareness to courses and classes that you offer, for future clients to see. As well this will serve as a testament to your remarkable achievements and will inspire future generations of musicians to follow in your footsteps. You’ll also be featured in a magazine with one of our partners.

​Thank you for your contribution to the world of music, and we look forward to speak soon.”


Executive / Talent Manager

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